Sunday, 4 October 2015

Traveling With Your Best Buddy

This season, take your best friend with you on the vacations. Any pet lover would know what we are implying when we say ‘Best friend’. For many people, pets are family. And quite obviously everyone wants their family with them during the vacations. Traveling with pets is not that big a deal as it is made out to be. This article tells you all the essentially important tips to know if you are taking your pet along with you for a vacation.

If you are getting to your vacation destination by road, then make sure your pet is restrained when the car is in motion. It is advisable that you put your pet (dog/cat) in a carrier and secure the carrier with seat belt. This ensures that the animals remain safe and do not get hurt if you apply brakes hurriedly or God forbid get into an accident. Dogs love to hang their head out from the window, never let them do that on long journeys. Stop for frequent bathroom and leg stretching breaks as well.

Traveling by air can be a bit hard for animals. It isn’t the wisest choice to take your pet on a plane. But sometimes you don’t have another option. For such situations, it is recommended that you choose a cabin and keep your dog/cat with you. Before the flight, make sure your airline is informed about the pet and you know about all the rules, restrictions and general pet policies. 

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